Researchers examined the experience of community engagement activity across Scotland, in order to establish a baseline for measuring progress by the Scottish Executive against targets for community engagement.
Source: ODS Consulting, Evaluation of the Effective Engagement of Communities in Regeneration: Final baseline report, Communities Scotland (0131 313 0044)
Links: Report
Date: 2006-Dec
Researchers examined approaches to evaluation in community regeneration in Scotland. It was essential that future evaluations should establish clear central or common guidance and detailed advice on identifying baseline, input, and outcome indicators (and crucially, agreed proxies to be used where there were gaps in information) at or before the start of the programme.
Source: Ronald McQuaid, Malcolm Greig and Colin Lindsay, Approaches to Evaluation in Community Regeneration, Communities Scotland (0131 313 0044)
Links: Report
Date: 2006-Dec
A report examined the existing state of community development, and assessed what steps might be necessary to raise its profile and effectiveness.
Source: The Community Development Challenge, Department for Communities and Local Government (0870 1226 236)
Links: Report
Date: 2006-Dec
A study questioned the idea that community participation built stronger networks between people who lived in the same neighbourhood. It examined whether community dynamics and relationships could in fact make good governance hard to achieve. Tenants' associations, school boards, and community projects were being dominated by the same small group of well-connected members.
Source: Paul Skidmore, Kirsten Bound and Hannah Lownsbrough, Community Participation: Who Benefits?, York Publishing Services for Joseph Rowntree Foundation, available from York Publishing Services Ltd (01904 430033)
Links: Report | JRF Findings | JRF press release
Date: 2006-Nov
A study examined what factors affected neighbourhood security and insecurity, and how these influenced the way urban neighbourhoods changed. People's perceptions and beliefs about disorder and crime were as important risk factors for neighbourhood decline as actual crime and disorder rates.
Source: Martin Innes and Vanessa Jones, Neighbourhood Security and Urban Change: Risk, resilience and recovery, York Publishing Services for Joseph Rowntree Foundation, available from York Publishing Services Ltd (01904 430033)
Links: Report | JRF Findings
Date: 2006-Nov
A report examined the role of community development in the integration of refugees and the promotion of cohesive communities.
Source: Alison Navarro, Refugee Integration and Cohesive Communities: Community development in practice, Community Development Foundation (020 7226 5375)
Links: Report
Date: 2006-Nov
A report said that more needed to be done to support those in Northern Ireland wishing to live in mixed communities, where Protestants, Catholics, and ethnic minorities lived together in relative harmony.
Source: Jonny Byrne, Ulf Hansson and John Bell, Shared Living: Mixed residential communities in Northern Ireland, Institute for Conflict Research (028 9074 2682)
Links: Report | ICR press release
Date: 2006-Oct
A report said that opportunities to make progress towards key government objectives on social cohesion and sustainable communities were being lost through a neglect of the role of street markets. It illustrated the potential of open markets to improve people's lives, from community employment to individual health.
Source: Sophie Watson with David Studdert, Markets as Sites for Social Interaction: Spaces of diversity, Policy Press for Joseph Rowntree Foundation, available from Marston Book Services (01235 465500)
Links: Report | JRF Findings | JRF press release
Date: 2006-Sep
The government announced a review of community ownership and management of local assets - such as community halls, libraries, and sports facilities. The review would bring forward an action plan to make community ownership and management a 'regular part of local life'.
Source: Press release 19 September 2006, Department for Communities and Local Government (020 7944 3000)
Links: DCLG press release
Date: 2006-Sep
An article said that policymakers and community development organizations had a responsibility to find ways of ensuring that the knowledge, skills, and techniques of community development were better understood and supported.
Source: Paul Henderson and Andrew Glen, 'From recognition to support: community development workers in the United Kingdom', Community Development Journal, Volume 41 Number 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2006-Jul
A good practice guide was published, designed to help private housebuilders and housing associations meet the challenge of developing successful mixed-income communities.
Source: Nick Bailey, Anna Haworth, Tony Manzi, Primali Paranagamage and Marion Roberts, Creating and Sustaining Mixed Income Communities: A good practice guide, Chartered Institute of Housing (024 7685 1700) for Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Links: Guide | JRF press release
Date: 2006-Jun
A report examined the way people interacted with their neighbours (neighbouring), and questioned whether we still needed good neighbouring relationships (neighbourliness) to improve our well-being and our happiness. It explored what was known about neighbouring, and identified issues for further research.
Source: Alessandra Buonfino and Paul Hilder, Neighbouring in Contemporary Britain, Joseph Rowntree Foundation (01904 629241)
Links: Report
Date: 2006-Jun
A biennial survey examined a range of community-based issues, including views about the local area, racial and religious prejudice, and discrimination. 80 per cent of people in England and Wales in 2005 felt that their local area was a place where people from different backgrounds got on well together. This proportion was unchanged from 2003.
Source: Sarah Kitchen, Juliet Michaelson, Natasha Wood and Peter John, 2005 Citizenship Survey: Cross-cutting themes, Department for Communities and Local Government (0870 1226 236)
Links: Cross-cutting report | Active communities topic report | Community cohesion topic report | Race and faith topic report | DCLG press release
Date: 2006-Jun
A study examined how residential areas characterized as being used by female street sex workers were shared by different sections of the community. It concluded that an integrated, multi-stakeholder response to street sex work was essential. Involving sex workers in local governance could help to ensure consideration of their needs when addressing community conflicts and managing the street scene.
Source: Jane Pitcher, Rosie Campbell, Phil Hubbard, Maggie O'Neill and Jane Scoular, Living and Working in Areas of Street Sex Work: From conflict to coexistence, Policy Press for Joseph Rowntree Foundation, available from Marston Book Services (01235 465500)
Links: Report | JRF Findings | JRF press release
Date: 2006-May
A report quantified the value to local economies and communities of local street markets. Local markets offered lower prices and better choice than supermarkets, and provided more jobs per square foot of retail space.
Source: Guy Rubin, Nina Jatana and Ruth Potts, The World on a Plate: Queens Market - The economic and social value of London?s most ethnically diverse street market, New Economics Foundation (020 7820 6300)
Links: Report | NEF press release
Date: 2006-May
A report said that more emphasis was needed on community participation if the Welsh Assembly Government's 'Communities First' programme were to fulfil its intended objectives.
Source: Walking the Talk: Communities on Communities First, Anti-Poverty Network Cymru (No contact details provided)
Links: Report
Date: 2006-Apr
An article examined the phenomenon of community development finance, and assessed its proposed role in community regeneration and in relation to the community and voluntary sector.
Source: Arthur Affleck and Mary Mellor, 'Community development finance: a neo-market solution to social exclusion?', Journal of Social Policy, Volume 35 Issue 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2006-Apr
The communications regulator said that local communities should have the final say in decisions about keeping or removing phone boxes, and that it would publish a guide for local authorities on the revised rules in this area.
Source: Review of the Universal Service Obligation, Office of Communications (020 7981 3000)
Links: Report | Ofcom press release
Date: 2006-Mar
A think-tank report examined the results of two surveys commissioned in 2002 and 2005 by the London Borough of Camden, aimed at measuring social capital. It explored the significance of the survey findings, and sought to develop policies in response to them.
Source: Halima Khan and Rick Muir (eds.), Sticking Together: Social capital and local government, Institute for Public Policy Research (020 7470 6100)
Links: Summary
Date: 2006-Mar
A report drew together evidence-based conclusions to inform future policies around mixed communities, from seven detailed research reports encompassing 25 mixed neighbourhood case studies.
Source: Chris Holmes, Mixed Communities: Success and sustainability, Foundations 0176, Joseph Rowntree Foundation (01904 629241)
Links: Report | JRF press release
Date: 2006-Mar
An article said that the central problem for community development appeared to be that, although it had secured a more prominent place within contemporary social policies, it was in danger of losing its ability to address the expressed needs of local communities.
Source: Keith Popple, 'Community development in the 21st century: a case of conditional development', British Journal of Social Work, Volume 36 Number 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2006-Mar
A report summarized evidence about the promotion of communities with mixes of incomes, housing tenures, and other social characteristics.
Source: Rebecca Tunstall and Alex Fenton, In the Mix: A review of mixed income, mixed tenure and mixed communities, Housing Corporation (020 7393 2000)
Links: Report | Housing Corporation press release
Date: 2006-Mar
The government published a guide for local authorities, their partners and other interested bodies on enhancing the capacity of citizens to participate more effectively in local decision-making.
Source: Rhys Andrews, Richard Cowell, James Downe, Steve Martin and Dave Turner, Promoting Effective Citizenship and Community Empowerment: A guide for local authorities on enhancing capacity for public participation, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (0870 1226 236)
Links: Guide
Date: 2006-Feb
A report by a cross-party group of MPs said that the local economic diversity underpinning healthy communities was in peril. It called for an independent retail regulator; a moratorium on any further mergers and takeovers among big retailers; and a revision of the two market ruling which had allowed big supermarkets to take over local convenience store chains with no investigation.
Source: High Street Britain 2015, All-Party Parliamentary Small Shops Group, c/o Jim Dowd MP (020 7219 4617)
Links: Report | NEF press release | Guardian report
Date: 2006-Feb
A review highlighted a lack of knowledge and understanding about the situations of new immigrants experiencing social and economic disadvantage, and about how new immigration could affect local neighbourhoods. Many new immigrants benefited from living near people of the same ethnic background: but public policy increasingly viewed such ethnic clusters as problematic.
Source: David Robinson and Kesia Reeve, Neighbourhood Experiences of New Immigration: Reflections from the evidence base, York Publishing Services for Joseph Rowntree Foundation, available from York Publishing Services Ltd (01904 430033)
Links: Report | JRF Findings
Date: 2006-Feb
A report made recommendations on the management of community buildings.
Source: Community Buildings Maximising Assets, Local Government Association (020 7664 3000) and National Federation of Community Organisations
Links: Report
Date: 2006-Feb
A survey found that the government s public service reform agenda was forcing large parts of the community sector to the brink of collapse. The move away from grants towards a contract culture had compromised the independence of organizations previously rooted in local neighbourhoods.
Source: Press release 5 February 2006, British Association of Settlements and Social Action Centres (0845 241 0375)
Links: BASSAC press release
Date: 2006-Feb
A new guide was published on the design, planning, and implementation of capacity-building activities and programmes.
Source: Steve Skinner, Strengthening Communities: A guide to capacity building for communities and the public sector, Community Development Foundation (020 7226 5375)
Links: Summary
Date: 2006-Feb
A report examined the impact of concentrations of students on local communities. It highlighted how local authorities, communities and higher education stakeholders were working together to integrate students into their local environment.
Source: Studentification : A guide to opportunities, challenges and practices, Universities UK (020 7419 5435)
Links: Report | UUK press release
Date: 2006-Jan
The government responded to a report by a committee of MPs on migration and community cohesion. It said that high levels of migration did not automatically lead to poor cohesion: but they could have an impact when combined with deprivation and a lack of experience of managing the impacts of migration.
Source: Government Response to the House of Commons Communities and Local Government Committee Report on Community Cohesion and Migration, Cm 7489, Department for Communities and Local Government, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Response | MPs report
Date: 2006-Jan
A report by a committee of MPs expressed concern over delays by the government in deciding whether the Post Office should retain the contract to provide the post office card account (a basic account handling pension and benefit payments); and about the effects on the Post Office of the possible loss of the account.
Source: Post Office Card Account: Successor Arrangements, Twelfth Report (Session 2007-08), HC 1052, House of Commons Business and Enterprise Select Committee, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Report | Consumer Focus press release | LGA press release | Countryside Alliance press release | Guardian report | BBC report
Date: 2006-Jan
An article said that the ineffectiveness of community participation was often at least partly the result of decisions that were taken within the wider policy-making processes that developed and surrounded public involvement.
Source: Stephen Connelly, 'Looking inside public involvement: how is it made so ineffective and can we change this?', Community Development Journal, Volume 41 Number 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2006-Jan
A report examined the potential of applying the 'configurational comparative' approach to questions around community involvement in regeneration, and used empirical material from the national evaluation of the New Deal for Communities programme to explore the institutional context behind variation in community involvement across a range of neighbourhoods.
Source: Rob Macmillan with Fran Marshall, Promoting Community Involvement Through Regeneration: Exploring the configurational comparative approach, Active Citizenship Centre/Home Office (
Date: 2006-Jan
An article examined the nature of local 'bridge-building' – activities intended to increase interpersonal contacts between diverse ethnic, faith, and nationality groups.
Source: Margaret Harris and Patricia Young, 'Developing community and social cohesion through grassroots bridge-building: an exploration', Policy & Politics, Volume 37 Number 4
Links: Abstract
Date: 2006-Jan